Women and Money

Many women leave their financial advisor’s office confused about what is happening with their money and they feel that they are being pressured into decisions they don’t fully understand. We have been there and decided to take control ourselves: We became Financial Life Planners and Financial Transitionists®. We learned how to listen to and collaborate with our clients.  We speak your language and welcome whatever questions you have! We love to explain what we do and why we do it.

We help you make financial decisions, but only when you’re ready to make them. By carefully reviewing your options, you will understand and get clarity, so you can realize your dreams and feel at ease about your finances.

The Widow’s Journey

Statistics show that women are living longer than their spouses. It might have happened to you and you find yourself suddenly alone. We can guide you through this most difficult transition. Ask to receive our Transition Journal by clicking here.

Women Executives and Business Owners

There are many of challenges for highly paid women executives and business owners that derail their finances. Often, they are so focused on their work that there is no the time to really think about what their goals are; they don’t have a cash flow management system in place and in general many don’t have the quality of life that they deserve or they are just plain unhappy.

It is time to ask yourself the question: Where do I want to be? What is Authentic Success for me? Am I on the path to create the life I want to lead? And how are my finances helping me to get there.

You need a written Financial Life Plan with clear action steps!

Luesink Stenstrom Financial  |   475 Park Avenue South, Suite 2100, NY, NY 10016 USA   |   (212) 405-1609   |   info@LuesinkStenstrom.com

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