Financial Transition Planning

We work with widows and new retirees, divorcees and business women who sold their business.

Diagram of Life Transitions

We know that such life-altering events can be very stressful. These are the times that you really need a financial advisor. Some of these events are planned for, other events may come out of the blue.

  When Life Changes, Money Changes and when Money Changes, Life changes.

– Susan Bradley


Each situation is unique. What these transitions have in common is that you will need more than traditional financial planning and asset management. You need a ‘Thinking Partner’ who understands the challenges that come with this major change in your life and can help you navigate through them.

To be better able to help you through these challenges, we followed the training for FINANCIAL TRANSITIONISTâ„¢. We use tools and protocols developed by the Sudden Money Institute to help you gain new perspectives and make sound financial decisions.

Our Vision:

We make financial transitions less stressful, more productive and successful.

 Passage - From What Was to What Will Be

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